Subsidizing your micro market in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson means having unattended retail space to provide fresh food, snacks, and beverages for employees with a huge perk: a discounted price. The company pays the difference to incentivize the micro market selection.
You can select all the items or just a specific selection to be offered at a reduced cost for employees. Our in-house commissary provides even more delicious options.
Employees have access to hundreds of products like sandwiches, salads, frozen foods, desserts, snacks, and beverages.
Employees can pay for products at a self-serve kiosk which is open all day making the experience easy, accessible, and affordable.
The micro market accepts multiple payment methods including cash, credit card, or mobile wallet.
Make your market truly unique with Cromer’s locally-made fresh food. Only the finest ingredients are used for our market food, and it allows you to support a local business in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson.
From coffee to the cups that hold it, Cromer takes care of it. Customize your options with your preferences, and examine items before purchasing with the market layout.
After nearly 40 years in business, we are able to provide full markets with fresh items through remote, real-time monitoring. Paired with in-person visits, we'll ensure you're always fully stocked.