Workplace refreshment for the modern Greenville, Spartanburg, or Anderson business.

Self-Serve Kiosk in Greenville, Spartanburg, and Anderson, South Carolina

Secured Payment Methods

Bank cards are processed in real-time, fully encrypted, and no information is stored at the kiosk or server.

Camera System

Micro markets are monitored 24/7 with digital video cameras in the unlikely case an issue ever were to arise.

User Friendly Experience

Employees love being able to look at and touch the items before using the easy, modern kiosk for checkout to buy.


From kiosk commercials to professional stand up boards, micro markets offer promotions and specials in a sophisticated way.

Web Base Inventory Management

The levels of beverages, food, snacks, and other items are automatically tracked, making it easy to restock and customize based on your buying.

Secured Kiosks

Our micro market checkout kiosks are fully enclosed with no exposed USB or data ports in order to protect your data.

Modernize your break room.

Secure Your Checkout Experience. Contact Cromer Food Services at and 800-922-3174.